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Harbour Primary

Year 6

 Year 6 are taught by

Mr Mark Richardson (Porpoises)

Miss Sam Butler (Orcas)

Miss Lauren Lyddiatt (Beluga Whales)

 and are supported by

Mrs Angela King

Mrs Nasim Chilcott

Miss Amey Coomber 

Mrs Maria Williams - Computing & Speech and Language Practitioner

Term 1

Our focus this term is All About Coasts. We are comparing Newhaven with New Haven in the USA and looking at how our local coasts are being affected by erosion.

The children are using the book Malamander to persuade tourists to visit Eerie-On-Sea and they are also having a go at eroding their own cliffs.

The children also visit Newhaven Fort for Safety in Action day.

Term 2

This term the children are learning all about World War 1. They are creating beautiful pictures for Remembrance Day and are writing a diary about the day the war was declared.

The children are developing a lot of historical enquiry skills and can discuss whether evidence is reliable or not.

Term 3

This term we are focussing on an important event in the children’s local history. We are learning all about life in East Sussex and the famous 1066 Battle of Hastings.

We are using our historical enquiry skills to decide whether all historical evidence is reliable and what we can do to check this.

We are also travelling back in time to write as children living through this period and deciding our own endings to a suspense story.


 Term 4

This term’s focus is Evolution and Inheritance. The children are learning all about how species have developed over time and adapted to their individual environments. We are reading the book Darwin’s Dragons to apply for a position onboard the HMS Beagle. The children are creating a piece of sculpture based on one of Darwin’s discoveries.


Term 5

This term we are looking at human circulation and reading Pig Heart Boy. Most of this term is taken up with the Key Stage Two National Tests and, most excitingly, our residential camp!

Term 6

This term, the children are preparing for secondary school. This involves lots of transition activities in school as well as visits to their chosen secondary schools.

We are preparing for our school play but also learning about Ancient Benin and its influence on British art.

Here is your child's learning for the whole year.

Here are the Year 6 topic letters for 2024-2025

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 3 2024/2025

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 2 2024/2025

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 2 2024/2025

Here are the Reception topic letters for 2023-2024

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 6 2023/2024

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 4 2023/2024

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 3 2023/2024

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 2 2023/2024

Year 6 Topic Letter Term 1 2023/2024