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Harbour Primary

School Council 2024

Harbour Primary School Curriculum


Our councillors contribute greatly towards keeping everyone safe.

Our councillors are voted for by their classes after a short presentation. The focus of our School Council is to help make sure the children's voices are heard with regard to the curriculum, the school environment and after school activities.

School councillors play a big part in promoting safeguarding at Harbour.

We would like to thank our councillors for all the hard work they put into improving our school. Here is what they have achieved so far:

January 2024

Maths Day 2024

This year our Harbour Maths Day theme was ‘Maths All Around Us’. Our aim was to have our children appreciate Maths and how it relates to real life.  Our fantastic school councillors interviewed staff, asking them how they use Maths in their daily lives. Children had the opportunity to share their videos in a Maths assembly.

February 2024

Anti-Bullying and Safer Internet Day assemblies

Our councillors marked these important days by leading an assembly with the school. This assembly focussed on the following themes:

  • Definition of bullying
  • Difference between bullying and banter
  • How bullying can happen online and off-line
  • The devastating impact of bullying
  • Say ‘NO’ to bullying

March 2024

How does Harbour Primary Keep Me Safe Every Day?

This project aimed to help our school community to understand the measures our school puts in place to keep everyone safe.

All classrooms now have a safeguarding poster which they created following a whole class discussion, led by our school councillors. The posters are displayed on classroom doors.

May 24

Our New Play Castle- how exciting, but how can we ensure that everyone is safe and feels cared for?

Our new play castle has been installed and our school councillors got to test it before everyone else in the school. Our councillors put together some safety and kindness rules for using the castle. They shared their rules in an assembly with all the children.

Here are the kindness rules that they wanted all children to follow:

July 2024

Children as Leaders at the Summer Fayre 23-24

This is another fantastic project our councillors have introduced to our school with the help of our amazing PTA. This event will take place on Friday 5th July.


Each year group will have a stall at the Summer Fayre this year.


Each year group (years 1-6) will plan and produce a business plan which they will pitch to our PTA. They will then be allocated a budget to either create their product or prepare their chosen activity.


Children, with the support of their teachers, will purchase materials or ingredients with which to produce their products. Deciding on prices, calculating profit margins and producing signage to help sell products, as well as collecting customer feedback, will be some of the key skills the children will practise during this project.
July 2024

Another fabulous event organised by our school councillors: bring a teddy to school in exchange for silver collection to support


We took a democratic approach to choosing the charity organisation we wanted our school community to support. The classes voted for their chosen charity, and this year, the RSPCA received an overwhelming number of votes. Councillors decided that instead of coming to school in home clothes, the children would bring a teddy to school in exchange for a small contribution.


The letter below was sent to our parents by school councillors- children loved playing teddy games in the afternoon.



Councillors called our fundraising event, ‘Silver Collection for Raystede.’ They asked children to bring in any silver coins to support their mission.  Our school community raised a grand total of £217.42 for Raystede. Well done everyone.