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Harbour Primary



Safeguarding is our key priority for everyone in our school community and underpins all that we do. Our focus is about promoting welfare and keeping children safe.

Our wider curriculum embraces all aspects of safeguarding. We work to improve the general health and wellbeing of all children through our comprehensive preventative curriculum.

Online Safety is an important aspect of keeping our pupils safe. We teach digital safety to all year groups, educating them on the potential dangers and unsuitable material found online.

At Harbour, children’s welfare is of upmost importance. There are posters of our Safeguarding Team around the school. Children know they can share their worries or concerns with them or any of the staff. Each term, children revisit our Helping Hands lesson and reflect on who their Trusted Adults are- we promote the power of sharing at every opportunity. Every class has a Worry Box, this is where children can leave a note to their teacher, indicating they need to share a worry. 

We support the welfare and safety of all pupils by ensuring:

  • that all adults in school with substantial access to children:

                   - have had a suitability check, and

                   - are monitored consistently.

  • students have a range of appropriate adults to approach if they are in difficulties.
  • we support child development in ways that foster security, confidence and independence.
  • ensuring we maintain site security and students’ physical safety.
  • parents understand our responsibility to ensure the welfare of all
  • children and the need to refer to other agencies in some situations.
  • all staff recognise the signs of abuse and know our procedures. 
  • child protection is in the curriculum. This helps children stay safe, recognise when they don’t feel safe and identify who they can talk to.
  • all members of the school community follow our procedure in cases of suspected abuse.
  • we monitor children with welfare or protection concerns. Keeping confidential records that we store securely and share appropriately with other professionals.
  • we work effectively with other agencies, especially the Police and Children’s Social Care. 

For more information about safeguarding at Harbour, please use the links provided below:

Harbour Primary School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Online Safety at HarbourHarbour Primary School Safeguarding Curriculum

School Council Promotes Safeguarding at Harbour

Termly Safeguarding NewslettersHarbour Support for SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)

Prevent Action Plan

Other Useful Information

Click CEOP

CEOP helps any child or young person under 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind.  This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both.

The link below will take you to the CEOP Safety Centre where you can make a report.

CEOP Safety Centre

NSPCC – has advice on keeping children safe

Think U know – protects children offline and online.

Are you concerned about a child?

Acting quickly can make all the difference.

If you think a child might be suffering neglect or abuse, it can be difficult to know what to do. But your action is vital in making sure that child gets the help they need.  

If you are concerned about a child in East Sussex call the SPOA (Single Point Of Advice) on 01323 464222. Or you can make a referral (anonymously if you wish) to Single Point of Advice (SPOA).

For serious out of hour concerns that cannot wait until the next day, contact the Emergency Duty Service on 01273 335906 or 01424 724144

You may also find information on the East Sussex County Council Children and Families page.

 Safeguarding Newsletters 2024/2025

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 1 2024/2025Safeguarding Newsletter Term 2 2024/2025 

 Safeguarding Newsletters 2023/2024

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 6 2023/2024

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 2 2023/2024

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 1 2023/2024

 Safeguarding Newsletters 2022/2023

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 6 22/23

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 5 22/23

Safeguarding Newsletter Term 4 22/23