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Harbour Primary


Reception are taught by

Mrs Emma Colbran-Green (Seahorses)

Miss Isabel Songer (Jellyfish)

Mr Tony Chaplin (Additional Teacher)

 and are supported by

Mrs Debbie Boswell

Mrs Jodie Carter

Miss Elle Richardson

Mrs Emma Dunk 

Miss Francesa Jupp

Mrs Maria Williams Computing and Speach and Language Practitioner


Please watch the first episode of Traditional Tales TV! The children have been captured by this story and their learning and writing around this is amazing!

Traditional Tales TV News

Term 1

We are so pleased to be welcoming our new Reception children to Harbour. As you would expect, Term 1 has a PSHE focus, with us getting to know the children, them getting to know us, each other and the new environment.  There will be lots of teaching about how to socialise, share and learn with each other. 

In Reception we read every day at school and ask you do the same. We will send home a Sounds Write phonics book, story and a Reading Record.  Every day we share stories when we talk about what happened in the story, who was in the story and whether we liked it or not. We love books!

By the end of the term we will have spent lots of time practising our pencil grip, writing our names and some three letter words, understanding our numbers to 5, and we will be able to tell you all about Harvest. The children will visit our Forest School and do PE alternate weeks.


 Term 2

Now that relationships and class routines have been established, it’s a very busy term leading up to the Christmas Nativity.  Learning about Light and dark engages your child in learning about nocturnal animals, why we have Bonfire Night and a visit from the Newhaven firefighters with their fire engine!  The children will continue to be learning to read and write three letter words with your support by reading the Sounds-Write phonics books at home at least 5 times a week.  To develop the children’s fine motor skills, they will be learning how to use scissors correctly.  In maths, they will deepen their understanding of numbers to 5 including how to write the numerals.  The children will continue to visit Forest School and take part in PE on alternate weeks.

Term 3

This term is a wonderful term for sharing traditional stories from the UK such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We spend a long time talking and reading different versions of them and making comparisons to extend the children’s vocabulary and reasoning skills.  As it’s the start of a new year, we talk about setting goals and learning how to persevere when challenges are set. In maths, we introduce numbers to 10, by counting, reading and ordering them and learning how to calculate one more and one less.  Whole class reading will be well established with the children reading texts linked to their phonics knowledge. We make the most of the different weather in this term and look at different environments around the World.

Term 4

As the weather begins to warm up, the children get involved in gardening in our whole school garden, weeding, planting seeds and bulbs and looking after them.  Our love of books continues this term by looking at non-fiction books to learn new facts and vocabulary. They will make observations and predictions of them in a seed diary.  Learning about numbers to 10 will continue with the children learning how to add and subtract practically using different equipment such as number tracks, bead strings, 10 frames and counters. We will talk about why we celebrate pancake day and Easter. The children will learn about the importance of keeping healthy such as eating healthy food, exercise, sleeping and brushing teeth.  We also talk about Stranger Danger during this term and how to keep safe.  

Term 5

Caterpillar eggs arrive this term and the children learn about the life cycles of butterflies, frogs and chickens.  We get outside as much as we can throughout the year but this term we focus on learning about minibeasts and their habitats. There will be an environmental aspect to the learning this term and the children will learn about the importance of recycling and how to look after our world. In maths, the children learn how to count, read and order numbers to 20. By this term, the children will be able to read and write simple sentences using their secure phonics knowledge from daily reading and writing class sessions.  The sentences will have capital letters, spaces between each word and a full stop at the end. To continue to develop fine motor skills, the children will begin woodwork sessions using a woodwork bench and tools as well as the importance of handling tools safely. 

Term 6

To make the most of our great location by the sea, we visit Seaford beach on the train at the start of the term. The trip is followed up by painting seascapes, pebble sculptures and drawing maps to develop early geographical skills and vocabulary.  In PE the children will be learning different athletic skills in the build up to Sports Day which takes place on the school field which we welcome you to come along to and support your child as they participate in different activities. Julia Donaldson’s books are read this term such as The Gruffalo, Stick Man and SuperWorm.  The children will make Gruffalo Crumble and enjoy a Gruffalo picnic in Forest School. In maths, the children will deepen their understanding of numbers to 20, being able to say one more or one less than any number. It’s the last term of Reception so we spend a lot of time in the last few weeks talking about how the children feel about moving to year one.  There will be a planned Transition Day when the children spend the whole day with their new class teacher.

Here are the Reception topic letters for 2024-2025

Reception Topic Letter Term 3 2024/2025

Reception Topic Letter Term 2 2024/2025

Reception Topic Letter Term 1 2024/2025

Here are the Reception topic letters for 2023-2024

Reception Topic Letter Term 6 2023/2024

Reception Topic Letter Term 4 2023/2024

Reception Topic Letter Term 3 2023/2024

Reception Topic Letter Term 2 2023/2024

Reception Topic Letter Term 1 2023/2024