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Harbour Primary

PSHE Development

At Harbour Primary School the PSHE/RSHE curriculum will prepare children to live in an increasingly complex world which presents both positive and exciting opportunities as well as challenges and risk.

It will achieve this by helping them develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need to manage their lives now and in the future.

They will be taught about the concept of mental wellbeing and how to take care of themselves and receive support if mental health issues arise. They will understand the key building blocks of respectful relationships that focus on family and friends in all contexts, including on line. They will be skilled in managing their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way and know how to manage their personal safety by assessing and handling risk. They will be prepared to make the most of life and work and live in the wider world.

Below you will find policies and documents relating to our RSHE Development.

Harbour RSE Policy 2024

PSHE Policy 24-25