Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income and other disadvantaged families and their peers.
If a child is eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years or has been looked after for one day or more (Child Looked After) the school receives an amount per head within their budget. A provision is also made for children who have a parent in the armed services. This money is allocated to improve pupil attainment and to help overcome any barriers to learning.
Nationally, the statistics show that pupils who are in receipt of FSM do less well than their peers. The aim of this money is to try to close the attainment gap.In making provision for socially disadvantaged children, we recognise that not all children who receive FSM will be socially disadvantaged, and we also recognise that not all children who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for FSM.
We are committed to ensuring maximum progress for all groups of children and strive to close any gaps in achievement.
At Harbour, due to our commitment to close the gap, our children who are supported with Pupil Premium funding do as well as or better than their peers by the end of Key Stage 2.
See below how we used the Pupil Premium in the last academic year and how we plan to spend it this year.
Pupil Premium funding is received in addition to the school’s delegated budget and is to be used for:
- Raise attainment
- Promote social skills
- Increase confidence and develop independent learning and positive behaviour
- Working towards increased pupil progress for those pupils