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Harbour Primary

Absence Reporting and Attendance

Children lose valuable learning time when they are absent or late.

If your child is going to be late or absent, you must contact the school before 8.40am

You call us on 01273 514532 or email our attendance officer on absence@harbour.e-sussex.sch.uk


If you are unsure whether your child is too ill to attend school, here is the NHS advice on Is my child too ill for school?

If your child is ill and cannot attend school, you must let us know.

Please ring the school Absence Line on 01273 514532 before 8.40am on the first day of absence. Leave a message with your name, your child’s name, their class and the reason for absence. Telling us they're ill isn't enough information - we need more detail.

The office opens and phone calls are answered from 8.40am.

If your child is off more than one day, you will need to call and inform the office each day.

As part of our safeguarding and supporting good attendance processes, we will contact you every day your child is absence.

If your child has been absent for 3 days and we have had no contact from you, we will contact you to do a home visit on day 3. 

If you have been in contact with us, but we have not seen your child for 5 days, we will contact you to do a home visit on day 5.

Late to school

Our registers close at 9.00am

 Children who arrive after 8.45am must come to the school office where they will be met by the Attendance Officer.

We record their name, reason for lateness and their lunch choice request.

Medical appointments

Wherever possible, make appointments for the doctor or dentist outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, let us know the appointment date and time in advance.

You can email or come into the school office with the appointment confirmation and details.

Holidays in term time

Holidays in term time don't support children's social, emotional and academic progress.

Since 1st September 2013, government legislation has stated that Head Teachers are no longer able to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school unless they believe the circumstances are exceptional.

Request for leave can only be granted in exceptional circumstances and family holidays do not fall into this category.

If you do book a holiday during term time, you must fill in a Withdrawal from Learning Form before going on holiday. You can also ask for a paper copy from the school office. The headteacher will decide whether to authorise this absence. Hardly any holidays are authorised.

For full details about holidays in term time and the new fining system introduced by the government please see Roxie's letter below: