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Harbour Primary


Nursery are taught by

Mrs Nicola Williams

 and are supported by

Mrs Julia Streeter

Mrs Gaynor Lowe

Mrs Lucy Hill

Miss Rebecca Gunn

Mrs Lorraine Whitehead 

Miss Katie Fuller

Nursery Autumn Term 1

We will say welcome back to those who were here last term, and a very warm hello to new children who start in January. Our main themes for this term are Ourselves and Chinese New Year. There will be a lot of focus on ourselves with regards to developing a sense of identity, being able to talk about likes and dislikes, as well as developing our play skills such as sharing and turn taking skills. We will also be incorporating lots of nursery rhymes and familiar tales.

Nursery Autumn Term 2 

Term 2 is always a really busy and exciting term! Our themes for this term are Diwali, light/dark, fire safety and, of course, Christmas!  We will be learning festive songs and rhymes to sing together, and sharing the story of the first Christmas.  Listen out for the songs at home! There will be various special events/projects including a trip to the local church, and some ‘special cooking.’

Nursery Spring Term 1

Our themes this term are Jack and the Beanstalk, growth and Easter. We will be enjoying traditional tales, planting our beans and grass. We will be dipping into our pond for frogspawn and watching the eggs change! We will enjoy spring crafts and have our Easter egg hunt! Lots to learn this term and opportunities to develop our understanding of the world, working and learning together and retelling stories.

Nursery Spring Term 2

Our themes this term are Jack and the Beanstalk, growth and Easter. We will be enjoying traditional tales, planting our beans and grass. We will be dipping into our pond for frogspawn and watching the eggs change! We will enjoy spring crafts and have our Easter egg hunt! Lots to learn this term and opportunities to develop our understanding of the world, working and learning together and retelling stories.

Nursery Summer Term 1

We will all come back to an an exciting summer term, and say hello to those children who have joined us this term. Our growth and change theme continues with the arrival of caterpillars and, hopefully, butterflies. We will study and appreciate the work of the artist Matisse and make inspired collages.

Nursery Summer Term 2

Our main themes in term 6 are sports day, the sea, pirates, picnics and moving on. We will be spending a lot of time outside working in teams, meeting new teachers and celebrating Summer!

 Here are the Nursery topic letters for 2024-2025

Nursery Topic Letter Term 1 Part 1

Nursery Topic Letter Term 1 Part 2

Nursery Topic Letter Term 3 Part 1

Nursery Topic Letter Term 3 Part 2

Here are the Nursery topic letters for 2023-2024

Nursery Topic Letter Term 5 & 6 Part 1

Nursery Topic Letter Term 5 & 6 Part 2

Nursery Topic Letter Term 4 Part 1Nursery Topic Letter Term 4 Part 2

Nursery Topic Letter Term 3 Part 1

Nursery Topic Letter Term 3 Part 2

Nursery Topic Letter Term 2 Part 1

Nursery Topic Letter Term 2 Part 2