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Harbour Primary


Curriculum newsletters:

Our newsletters will keep you up to date with everything that is going on at our school. We will give you news on recent happenings, and also inform you of events that are planned for the future.

Safeguarding Newsletters

Our termly safeguarding newsletters give you an insight into the current trends and patterns with regards to safeguarding, particularly online safety, that we are supporting our children with. We would like to include useful tips for our parents and carers to help them support their children with their wellbeing.  

Reading Newsletters

Mrs Granville, our English leader, works in collaboration with our Reading Ambassadors to create reading newsletters. Our newsletters contain fresh news about all the reading that happens in our school.  In our reading newsletters, you will find information about new book releases, book reviews written by Harbour children and any other exciting reading related initiative that our school community might be engaging in.

You can use the side tabs to access our newsletters.