SEMH Support
Harbour Primary & Nursery School is a community which is fully committed to developing the whole child. In response to the challenges that some of our children face, which can result in emotional, social and behavioural vulnerability, we support these children through our whole school approach graduated response to SEMH needs.
Our graduated approach to our children’s social, emotional and mental health development ensures that every child in the school has the opportunity to thrive in their education and achieve their potential and provides access to the support they need, when they need it.
Level 1 Support
In class children are supported by class teachers and learning support assistants in the following ways:
PSHE lessons follow the JIGSAW curriculum
- Regular assemblies promote good social, emotional, mental health and general well-being
- Assemblies may address current themes or trends which may be unsettling for children
- Enhanced Online Safety framework
- Mental health is addressed as part of our PSHE curriculum in each year group, with a focus on well-being themes such as:
- - Being different
- - Resilience
- - Loneliness
- - Perseverance
- - Growth Mindset
- Zones of Regulation is used to teach emotional literacy and for children to identify, name and understand their emotions.
- A quieter lunch area is available for children who may find the busy lunch hall overwhelming.
- Indoor play for a quieter experience
- Accessible library at play and lunch times
- Regular mind and movement breaks
- KS2 colouring club when available
- Promotion of trusted adults
- Classroom worry boxes
- KS1 nurture corners in classrooms
- Healthy Schools programme
- Participating in Mental Health Week, Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Day
- Access to sensory rooms
- Sensory Circuits
- Use of sensory tools – wobble cushions, ear defenders, therabands, thera putty to help self-regulation
- Sensory sensitive classrooms that reduce over stimulation
- Mindfulness and Calm Me sessions
- Soft starts
- KS1 and EYFS nurture breakfast
- Bagel provision
- Pre-teaching
- Trauma Informed practice
- Therapeutic Thinking approaches
- School Health Service
- Signposting to GP, NSPCC, SPOA, Me and My Mind, Family Hubs
Level 2 Support
Targeted Individual and Group Support
Our SEMH Teacher uses therapeutic play skills to support children who may need additional nurture to support their social, emotional and mental health. Children may have experienced adverse circumstances and their support will be specifically tailored to meet their needs.
We have an SEMH Learning Support Assistant who supports individuals and groups of children with their social, emotional and mental health. They run Loss and Change groups, Power and Control groups, Learning to Lose groups, Social Skills groups, offer support around anxiety and also support playtimes. They liaise with and work alongside, other colleagues, advising and modelling best practice to ensure consistency across the school.
Mental Health in Schools Team – Me and My Mind
We work closely with the mental Health in School Team (MHST) to ensure children are provided with an early intervention to promote their mental health and well-being. Children may be considered for referral if they are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or low mood.
Level 3 Support
Nurture Classes
Within our nurture provision we have two classes that support the social and emotional development of pupils. The main purpose of the nurture provision is to provide a safe, predictable and supportive environment with embedded routines to enable children to access their learning. At the heart of the nurture provision is a focus on wellbeing and relationships and a drive to support the development of children.
Our nurture provision uses a therapeutic approach which offers a range of opportunities for children to engage with early nurturing experiences they may have missed, resulting in attachment difficulties and developmental trauma. Our ultimate aim is to give children the skills and strategies they need to participate in education.
The classes are staffed by specialist social, emotional and mental health practitioners. Children spend quality time in the nurture classroom, for part of their day, before transitioning back to their classes.
Key Principles of nurture
Children’s learning is understood developmentally.
- Language is a vital means of communication.
- The nurture class offers a safe base.
- All behaviour is communication.
- The importance of nurture for the development of well-being.
- The importance of transition in children’s lives.
Aims of the nurture classes
- To develop inclusive practice across the school community for children experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
- To facilitate a positive whole school ethos.
- To raise the achievement of children experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
- For children to feel safe in their learning environment and to develop a sense of belonging to our school community
- To encourage parental involvement in supporting children.
Organisation of the nurture classes
Our nurture classes offer a balance of educational and social and emotional experiences aimed at supporting the development of the children’s relationships with each other and with adults. Each session is organised around a structured timetable with predictable routines, whilst also allowing for flexibility. Our nurture classes are an educational provision making the important link between emotional regulation and cognitive learning.
Children will attend every morning from 8.35am until lunch time. Transitions will be closely monitored. In order to retain identity and to develop their sense of belonging, children will be included in whole class PE sessions, play times, lunch times, class visits, assemblies and any special events as appropriate to meet individual need.
Corals Class
Children accessing Corals class will experience a high level of nurture and will learn appropriate behaviours while following a curriculum of language, number, personal and social development and play. In Corals class children will develop vital social skills, confidence, self-esteem and will become ready to learn. Children will develop positive relationships and develop a sense of self-worth and belonging within a structured, nurturing environment with a high adult to child ratio. Corals helps children to learn, play and communicate, enabling children to thrive.
Summary of support available in s class
- Visuals, Now/ Next, Individualised curriculum, adults tuning into her needs, opportunities for structured and free play, speech and language modelling. Hands on learning. Independence and social inclusion are promoted.
- Significant modification of curriculum.
- Flexible curriculum – practitioners are able to respond to needs as appropriate
- Use of closed questions.
- Adult support to ensure transfer of language skills.
- Peer interaction facilitated by adults.
- High level of pastoral care.
- Sensory circuits.
- Speech and Language support woven through all interactions
- Differentiated behaviour management
- Development of key skills and positive social behaviours individually or in small groups.
- High support at points of transition
- Adaptations to less structured times
- Planned calming routines and regulating activities
- Access to sensory room
- Provision of stability in staffing where possible
- Therapeutic Thinking strategies used in all interactions
Assessment and monitoring
Potential Terrapins and Turtles class members will be observed and assessed for the intervention using the Boxall Profile, following consultation with the Inclusion Manager, staff and parents/carers. This forms part of the school’s graduated response to providing additional support for children.
Children accessing one of the nurture classes will have BOXALL profiles completed three times a year and their progress will be discussed with parents, the class teacher and SEMH practitioner. Reintegration into whole class is discussed with the children, class teacher, Inclusion Manager and parents/carers at appropriate times throughout the year, including at each BOXALL assessment. Progress of reintegration is closely monitored and the pace of return is arranged to suit the needs of the child. Our aim is to reintegrate all the children back into fulltime mainstream provision, whilst acknowledging that some children’s level of need is so high that they will always need access to these specialist levels of support.
Each week an area of development is identified from the children’s BOXALL outcomes. The identified focus underpins the learning for the week and assessments inform planning the next steps.
Parental contact will be ongoing and interactive. Consent will be given by parents prior to children joining the class. The process involves: referral, assessment, intervention, review and resettlement.
Planning, preparation and liaison
The nurture class teacher will be given time to:
- Plan, prepare and assess
- Meet and work with parents/carers
- Keep records and carry out observations
- Meet with school staff regularly
- Join other professionals for ongoing training and support
Level 4 Support
If a high level of need is identified and/or the child is at a point of crisis and there is a risk of imminent harm, a referral to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) will be considered. A referral to SPOA (Single Point of Advice) may also be considered at this point.
We are committed to ensuring that a child with social, emotional and mental health needs receives appropriate support at an early stage. We use the Boxall Profile to ensure that a child’s needs are appropriately met, and that there is careful joint planning to meet their specific needs. All children will have clear outcomes that are developed in partnership with the team around the child. This will include school staff, parents and carers and in some cases with support from outside agencies, e.g. Education Mental Health Practitioner, Inclusion Advisor, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Early Help services, Educational Psychologist, School Health Service.
We monitor and review progress, with the child and parent/carer, so that we can see good outcomes for them. This may be part of the SEN support planning cycle of assess, plan, do review.