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Harbour Primary

Special Educational Needs Outcomes


Special Educational Needs Outcomes

Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

All staff have high expectations of children with SEND and additional needs. We are committed to supporting our children’s journey and investing in their future, ensuring effective identification, giving them the very best provision and supporting them to make the best possible transition to the next stage of their education.

We ensure that all children with SEN are able to access the curriculum. They are actively encouraged to develop their skills and strengths, and be provided with opportunities to work towards their aspirations and reach their full potential. 

We track the progress of our SEN groups across the school very closely and the progress that they make through targeted support. We aim for all of our children to achieve their very best and to make good progress. More detailed analyses can be found in our SEN Information Report.

SEN Information Report