A Message from our SENCO/ Inclusion Manager Jodie Homewood
Harbour Primary and Nursery is an inclusive school with a focus on supporting all children. We aim to meet all children’s needs in collaboration with teachers, support staff, parents and outside agencies where appropriate. All children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum taught through quality first teaching. As a school we have strong links with outside agencies who we work in partnership with. At Harbour we have a strong SEND team who support the children with their SEND needs and emotional well-being.
As SENCO I have responsibility for overseeing and co-ordinating the support and provision for all children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, including those children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). I am supported by Katherine Rowland – SENCO Support Assistant. Katherine oversees and co-ordinates referrals and speech and language across the school.
You can contact myself or Katherine through the office email address: office@harbour.e-sussex.sch.uk
You can find more information about East Sussex Local Offer here: https://localoffer.eastsussex.gov.uk/
The Graduated Response
As part of our Universal offer for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we use the Graduated Approach. Below is a diagram of our SEND Pyramid which outlines the different levels of support that children may receive if they have additional needs or are identified as having Special Educational Needs.
Wave 1:
All children will sit within Wave 1. This is our Universal offer to all pupils, whether they have additional needs or not.
Wave 2:
Children may move to Wave 2 if additional needs have been identified, a referral may have been agreed or submitted, or a diagnosis has been confirmed.
Children may move to Wave 2 if they are falling behind with their learning and a good level of progress is not being made. At this point, children may receive an intervention. After the intervention, children may still require additional interventions, and if they make a good level of progress they move back to Wave 1. Children who do not make a good level of progress or need more targeted support move to Wave 3.
Wave 3:
Children who move to Wave 3 will be placed on the SEN register and will receive a SEN Support Plan (SSP) or a SEND Passport. These plans will be written with targets and provision outlined and reviewed three times per year in line with our current SEN offer. Parents are involved in contributing to the targets.
Children who are currently on the SEN register will remain on Wave 3 and receive either an SSP or a SEND Passport depending on their needs. You can discuss all of this with your child’s class teacher at Parent Consultations.
Some children will make a good level of progress while on the SEN register and move back to Wave 2 where their progress (as for all our children), will be closely monitored.
Wherever your child is on our graduated response provision, you will know at which tier they are being supported.