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Harbour Primary

PSHE Curriculum Vision


PSHE is a subject that is threaded throughout school life at Harbour, both inside and outside the classroom:

  • All children will leave Harbour with secure foundations in resilience and self-awareness that will enable them to be productive members of society and who will contribute positively to their local community and the wider world, regardless of their starting point.
  • All children will understand their roles and functions as part of their local community and as global citizens.
  • All children will acquire the skills to make educated, informed choices with regards to their health, financial capability, safety and relationships.
  • PSHE learning at Harbour is relevant, impactful, and responsive to the needs of all learners. Our curriculum is coherently planned and carefully sequenced throughout the school. All children have an entitlement to access the curriculum in its entirety, inclusive of SEND learners and vulnerable learners.


At Harbour we teach PSHE from EYFS to Year 6. Our teaching is progressive, with key skills being taught and developed year on year. It is embedded in all subjects across the curriculum.

Key features of our implementation include:

  • Every child taking part in a main PSHE lesson weekly.
  • Every child having the opportunity to develop their oracy skills through daily reasoning activities, philosophy-based debates, and speaking and listening games.
  • Well trained support staff offering follow up sessions with children identified as needing extra support
  • Teachers responding to the needs of their class by planning and delivering targeted sessions as the need arises.
  • Children enjoying opportunities to link PSHE learning to their local area and community. This could be through trips, visitors or learning projects.

Implementation is enhanced through a responsive and personalised curriculum:

  • At Harbour we have used the PSHE Association programme builder to create our main planning and to deliver our core PSHE content. This is a whole school approach that provides well-structured, quality lessons from Nursery through to Year 6. We have built a unique and progressive scheme of work that aims to prepare our children for life, helping them to value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. We are confident that our offer provides relevant learning experiences. We place a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing physical and mental health. All of which link closely to our core values and British Values.
  • The PSHE Association guidance is fully comprehensive, Ofsted compliant and includes statutory Relationships and Health Education. Lessons are selected from this but there is also opportunity for teachers to be reactive to the needs of their class.
  • Each lesson includes opportunities for emotional regulation and assessment, allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus and signposting to support.
  • The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and mindful of different learning styles and the need for differentiation, and the Early Years (EYFS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England).
  • Each term includes a ‘Helping Hands’ activity to allow children to identify people to turn to for support, and a Project Evolve lesson linked to our safeguarding overview.


Through quality teaching and a broad range of PSHE learning opportunities, children at Harbour will leave primary school with a secure understanding of the world around them, and of their roles and responsibilities as a productive citizen. The progress of our children is regularly assessed by capturing pupil voice, monitoring lesson outcomes and through opportunities for children to engage in rich discussions. Each child has their own PSHE learning journal: a live journal of their thoughts, ideas and learning in the subject.

Teaching is relevant, responsive and reactive. Our PSHE curriculum is impactful and as a result we hope our children will enjoy positive, social interactions and understand the fundamentals of healthy relationships. We hope they will be driven to succeed in life, with a motivation to reach their full potential.

PSHE Policy 24-25

Healthy Eating Policy

Lunchbox Policy

Harbour RSE Policy 24-25

pshe progression document final 24 25.pdf