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Harbour Primary


At Harbour Primary & Nursery School, we always welcome prospective parents to come and look at the engaging and interactive learning taking place in every classroom.

To make an appointment to visit us, please contact our office team on 01273 514532 or by email at: 


All applications regarding admissions and appeals are dealt with by East Sussex County Council.

If you would like to complete an online application, contact East Sussex County Council. Once the application has been completed this will be displayed in the School's Admission Module (S.A.M.) which will enable us to contact you. 

Contact details for East Sussex County Council:

Admissions and Transport Team
County Hall
St Anne's Crescent
East Sussex
Phone: 0300 330 9472 

Apply for school place at an infant, junior or primary school in East Sussex from 12 September 2023. 

See Apply for a school place 2024 to 2025 for more guidance.

How school admissions work

You need to apply for a place at the school you would like your child to attend – it doesn’t happen automatically. Even if your child already attends the nursery class of the school, or your older children go there, you need to apply. You may not get a place at the same school if other children have priority.

You can name a maximum of 3 different schools. Listing more than one:

  • won’t affect your first preference – the admissions team at East Sussex will always offer the highest they can
  • will increase your chances of an offer at a school you prefer.

See how places are offered to find out what is and isn’t taken into account.

Admissions for children with special educational needs. (East Sussex Local Offer website)

Starting school - summer-born children

Parents of children born between 1 April and 31 August have the option to delay their entry until the following September. To find out if this is the best option for your child: see Admissions for summer-born children 

Applying during the school year

If you have moved house or want to switch schools, you can apply for a school place during the academic year through the East Sussex County Council. Find the school you're interested in and make an application. See Applying during the school year 

Applying from overseas

In most cases, foreign national children in the UK have the right to attend schools in England. See Applications for overseas children before applying.